Tom Kelly for Wyoming House District 30

Property Taxes

Last year we sent legislators to Cheyenne to provide property tax relief, and all most of us got was a 4% cap on already historically high rates.  How long will we continue to elect those who fill the state's savings while we empty ours? I will work with other legislators to reduce current property tax assessment levels and provide long-lasting reform for all homeowners.

Fiscal Responsibility

We are spending our children and grandchildren into a cycle of debt that threatens their futures.  We must send representatives to Cheyenne who will not just get spending under control but will work to eliminate the spending on unnecessary pet projects that have brought about record-breaking budgets that outpace even recent inflation levels.

Second Amendment 

We must not compromise our right to keep and bear arms.  Without this right, we have no way to ensure the protection of all our other rights.  I will not back down from defending the 2nd Amendment.

Protection of Life

As the father of a boy with Down syndrome and former caretaker of my mother-in-law who passed from Alzheimer’s disease, I learned that regardless of challenges, human life is a gift from conception to natural death.