Tom Kelly for Wyoming House District 30

"Tom Kelly is a person who strongly believes in the same Republican values of pro-life, pro-2nd Amendment, pro-smaller government and pro-lower taxes that I have fought for as your Representative in HD 30 for nearly a decade. I know that Tom is adamant, like I am, about protecting our God-given rights and defending against any encroachment by an overreaching government. I have no doubts that Tom will continue on my work in the House of Representatives for actual property tax reform that keeps more of your money in your pocket; not the crumbs that Cheyenne is currently trying to pass off as relief. He knows the sobering duty that lies ahead to cut the spending and waste and to return Wyoming to a Constitutional government that protects citizens and the freedoms we all cherish. It has been such an honor to serve as a Representative for the people of HD 30, which is why I wholeheartedly endorse Tom Kelly and ask you to cast your vote for him to send an authentic Republican to continue to represent this amazing district."


House District 30 Representative Mark Jennings

I'm running because I'm tired of people campaigning as "Republicans" and then governing as Democrats. I know what occurs when state politicians compromise their values. I've seen firsthand how a red state turns blue. We can't let that happen here in Wyoming...for your family and mine.

Recently endorsed by the National Rifle Association!